Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Killer Earthquake in Samoa... but Don't worry it won't effect your TV viewing

In trailer parks across America, "Reality" TV fans sit with baited breath waiting to see if their weekly dose of Survivor Samoa will be effected by the 2009 Samoa Earthquake and Tsunami
Now this one just made me cringe. So there is this 8.3 Magnitude Earthquake off the coast of Samoa today which in turn created a Tsunami which killed at least 14 people (Last time I looked.) So what is the American Public interested in? Not how the human spirit and human camaraderie is helping out with the victims of the Samoa Earthquake of 2009 but whether or not the shooting schedule for Survivor Samoa will be adversely effected by today's tragic events.

God help the poor American TV viewers who wouldn't know where Samoa was if it wasn't for good old Rand McNally (If the could even find their way past the Reality TV show DVD's and Tabloid rack.) What am I saying, today's public doesn't learn from books anymore, it is all Reality TV and Oprah. Shit, even Oprah, the almighty "I would never stoop to the Shock tactics of Geraldo" is bringing in guests that shock. Would the average American TV Viewer even know Samoa existed if it wasn't for Mark Burnett and his toilet bowl TV?

I guess I am wondering off topic here. Judging from the Search trends you want to know about Survivor Samoa and whether or not Mark Burnett has been swallowed by a hungry sperm whale that was beached as a result of the Samoa Tsunami thus leaving the trash of America to rely on Oprah Windbag for their entertainment needs. Well, all is fine in the Trailer Park, the Earthquake in Samoa did not effect the shooting schedule for Season 20 of Survivor Samoa which will apparently be shot in Samoa, just like season 19. Here is a blurb from some Survivor website.

Today’s massive earthquake in American Samoa won’t have any impact on the upcoming 20th season of “Survivor.”

While CBS has never officially announced it, it’s been widely reported that the next edition of the series — an all-star edition designed to mark the show’s 10th anniversary next year — is set in the nation of Samoa. (The season now airing is also set in Samoa.)

But fans of the franchise worried that Sue Hawk or Rupert the Pirate might have been harmed in the quake can rest easy. The taping of season 20 of “Survivor” wrapped earlier this month, well before the earthquake.

In addition, a CBS rep confirms that “Survivor” crew members still on the island are all “doing fine” and weren’t harmed in the wake of the quake.

It helped that the temblor struck American Samoa, while the CBS show films in the nearby nation of Samoa.

For more on the Samoa Earthquake and the devastating Tsunami check out So ya Wanna Know Yes, I am a whore, just in a different kind of way. So what if the pot is calling the Kettle Black.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

You know you are a strung out looser when....

So this dork in Newark N.J. allegedly stashed his stash of Cocaine in his 4 year old sons' jacket saying it was "Candy" (apparently because Shaheed Write was worried the cops would find it.)

Apparently this four year old was quite the sharing type as he later decided to share his Candy bounty with some of his friends at daycare. An observant teacher was quick to jump in when she noticed a girl with a baggie of white powder in her mouth. Upon closer examination, the teacher realised this so called "candy" was in fact cocaine.

For anyone interested, the piece of work father in this case is Shaheed Write. Reporters have been trying to contact him, however, he is not listed in the phone book. I haven't tried yet, but perhaps a quick Google search for SHAHEED WRITE of EAST ORANGE NEW JERSEY will bring up some results.

The children who had taken the "Candy" were taken to the Hospital and they are all going to be ok.

Here is the original Article from the Associated Press

NEWARK, N.J. - New Jersey police say a 4-year-old boy shared cocaine with his friends at day care because his father told him it was candy.

Newark police say 25-year-old Shaheed Wright of East Orange put several baggies of cocaine inside his son's jacket after police nearly caught him with it. The boy shared the drugs with three other 4-year-olds at his day care centre Friday.

A teacher spotted a girl with a baggie in her mouth and called authorities after seeing the white powdery substance.

The children were taken to a hospital, but none were injured. Police found more baggies of cocaine after searching the boy's pockets.

Wright was charged with four counts of child endangerment and drug offences. He is not listed in the phone book, and police do not know if he has retained a lawyer.