Aside from the obvious mental issues involved in a person deciding to have that many children, there have also been several recent rumours surfacing regarding the floppy 'gina. Of course, as with any celebrity, there has to be some sort of sex scandal or sex tape involved. Since we already know the Octomom (Nadia Suleman) has a thing for Children, the whole Tiffany Shepherdesque high school teacher sex thing would probably be a little tasteless, but that has not been written out of the porno script apparently up for the MILF Octomom. I guess the Octamom has to raise some money to feed all those hungry mouths somehow, after all, it is only a few years until her kids highschool buddies start questioning why they are all still sucking on Mommy Nadia Suleman's saggy boobs. Sure they are all perky now, but imagine what will happen after all those kids get hold of them for a couple of years. Shit, her boobs can be back home in Mexico for Christmas.
So if that wasn't enough to satisfy the white-trash dirt seekers in Mid-America, it seems the recent financial hardships and potential massive welfare cheques heading the way of Octomom Nadia Suleman are getting tempers flared... and rightfully so. Even me, way up here in the Igloo's of Canada :P is mighty miffed Eh!, even though it's not coming out of my taxes. It sure does make for some interesting visitors though.
So what are your thoughts? Should Octomom Nadia Suleman be fixed, locked up or given some Valium? Moreover, should she be given Welfare for all those Children? Thoughts... Tomato's... typical insults and profanity aimed in my self ritious direction...