Sunday, January 27, 2008

Snow is a beautiful thing


OK, now that I've gotten that off my chest, what is it with all these people with these 4 wheel drive SUV's that think they own the damn road.

For Christmas, I took a drive up the Coquihalla which was a hair raising experience to say the least. What really caught my attention were these assholes who seemed to think crawling up my ass on the iciest part was acceptable human behaviour. Come on people, you can't stop on a dime in this shit and your are about ready to give me a fucking Range Rover enema. As if this isn't bad enough, there is this spacial breed of dumb fuck who drive 4x4 pick-up trucks. What part in you have no weight in the back part of your truck do they not understand?

So why am I bitching about this now, on January 27th, pretty much a month after the incident? Well, I guess because I have to drive to a job site tomorrow and know what kind of crap I will be in for.

Of course, I get the last laugh when I see them in the ditch 5 miles ahead.

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