Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sick Fuck Marine on Youtube throwing live puppy off a cliff

OK, now this just really pisses me off. In true Military fashion, a US Marine Based in Iraq is shown dressed in combat gear, one holding the young dog by the scruff of its neck.

The dog, which looks about eight weeks old, is motionless.

"Cute little puppy, huh?", one Marine can be heard saying.

"Oh so cute, so cute little puppy," the other responds in a child-like voice.

The Marine holding the dog then turns and throws it into the ravine below. The animal can be heard yelping until it hits the ground.

Apparently the Military is outraged, the thing is, isn't being fucked up a pre-requisite to being a Marine. Don't get me wrong, I am by no means diminishing the work they do, however more and more you hear about the twisted things done by Marine's.

Honestly, I am getting sick. I can't even think about this shit anymore. Someone should throw that fuck off a cliff, not to kill him, that would be murder. Of course I am not advocating violence, just venting my frustration.

Of course the Video has been pulled from YouTube. The government hates bad press.

1 comment:

HTBW said...

So, since you are so interested in what little ol' me has to say, what do you think of this issue Mr, or Mrs US military from Pensacola Florida searching for "what the fuck marine"? I would be interested in hearing.