There are a few things in this world that really pick my ass. To pull a couple from the pile, Bitching Hippies and Bicyclists that think they can ride on the road like a car.
I live in the Lower Mainland area of Metro Vancouver. Today, there is another one of those fucked up bike rallies. They call it "Critical Mass". Apparently, there are a bunch of fucked up Hippies who seem to think everyone in the fucking world should be riding bikes. So to drive their view home, these twats disrupt traffic by getting out on their bikes enmass.
1. I am a contractor. There is no fucking way I can pack a god damn ladder and 10 boxes of wire onto a bicyle.
2. These puss heads claim they are doing this for the environment. Sure their bikes don't polute, unless you count the flatulence of 1000 hippies. The thing that causes pollution, is all the poor saps stuck in traffic just trying to get home to be with their families after a long day of work.
For those protesting hippies who have no idea what work is, just imagine if you weren't getting welfare or running a grow op out of your basement.... How would you get money for food and rent. Oh ya right, steal from those with money and race off on your bikes. Fuckers!!!!

Pictures mooched from http://hotwingsandbeer.blogspot.com