Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Chinese are killing our babies

So they have a population problem. The thing is we don't and Chinese companies are found at fault for the deaths of yet 2 more infants. This time a crib joins the long list of deadly products manufactured in China. Of course we are also at fault, as western culture seems to be geared towards getting something for nothing or at least finding the cheapest price irregardless of quality.

In fact, the word "quality" has been overused by companies like ADT, Alarmforce and even insurance companies we really don't know what it means. All we do know is companies use the word to convince us that we need to buy their shit. Yes, Alarmforce and ADT wireless systems are shit. Of course that is off topic, I was just trying to illustrate how we fall for these cheap or "no charge" options believing we will get "Quality" when history and common economics dictates lowest price usually means low standards, and cost cutting measures.

At the same time, these people falling for this "cheap is good" garbage are in unions demanding more money for the work they do. Odd, they want more money, but yet they will not support the same for other industries. Where I come from that is called Hypocrisy.

All that being said, it is very hard finding something NOT made in China these days.

Sad state of affairs.

For More information on the Delta Crib recall visit

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