Wednesday, October 28, 2009

UK Crackdown on P2P File Sharing

OK, so we are all too familiar with the Pirates of the Indian Ocean and their increasing attacks on container ships and now personal yachts. The British government, in particular Business Secretary Peter Mandelson, is seeking to shut down Internet Piracy in the form of illegal downloads.

Peter Mandelson recently announced his plan to crack down on people who persistently download illegal content, stating they will be cut off from the net if they continue downloading content.

This recent addition to government policy followed months of speculation on the topic of a crack down on peer-to-peer downloading in the UK. The new regulation means persistent peer-to-peer P2P users will be sent two warning letters before facing disconnection from their ISP.

This new regulation is being challenged by ISP providers in the UK on the grounds that it is impractical. A reprasentative from ISP TalkTalk, an ISP firm in the UK said "What is being proposed is wrong in principle and won't work in practice," They further went on to say the UK Anti-piracy law is "ill-conceived" and they are prepared to challenge the Peer-to-peer downloading crackdown against online filesharing in the courts stating "In the event we are instructed to impose extra judicial technical measures we will challenge the instruction in the courts."

Peter Mendelson, however, said actual disconnections are going to be a "Last Resort. In his announcement Peter Mendelson said "I have no expectation of mass suspensions. People will receive two notifications and if it reaches the point they will have the opportunity to appeal,"
UK ISP's have argued it is not their job to police the Internet. Further going on to state they should not be responsible for the cost involved in policing the downloading practices of their customers. In response, Peter Mandelson said the costs of enforcing his anti-piracy crackdown on Peer-to-peer P2P file sharing would be "shared between ISPs and content providers".

The Internet Service Providers' Association feels the copywrite holders should cover all costs involved in enforcing the proposed UK Anti-piracy crackdown on P2P file sharing, this would also include reimbursement of ISPs for lost revenue and expenses.

The ISPA further went on to state "The unintended consequence of Lord Mandelson's plan will be to encourage more wi-fi and PC hi-jacking and expose more innocent people to being penalised."

Peter Mandelson further went on to say this proposed UK Anti-piracy crackdown on P2P file sharing would also result in a more relaxed copyright regime. Although the details of his plan would need to be hammered out at European level, it would take account of the use of copyright material "at home and between friends", he said. For example, someone who has bought a CD would be able to copy it to their iPod or share it with family members without acting unlawfully.

In a post on their blog, The Pirate Bay, an online P2P Filesharing source and frequent defender of Filesharing rights said:

We have, ourselves, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once more able to defend our Internets, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone.

Even though large parts of Internets and many old and famous trackers have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Ifpi and all the odious apparatus of MPAA rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the ef-nets and darknets, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Internets, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the, we shall fight on the /. and on the digg, we shall fight in the courts; we shall never surrender, and if, which I do not for a moment believe, the Internets or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the Anon Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in Cerf's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.

In France the government has just approved a so-called three strikes policy.

Under the French Anti-piracy crackdown on P2P file sharing, those identified as illegally downloading content would initially be sent warning letters and, if they failed to comply, could be removed from the network for up to a year.

What do you think? Is this just another pile of government crap being forced down the throat of struggling ISP's? or do you think this is a much needed regulation?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Unification Church (Moonies) and Sun Myung Moon

At the top of Googles search trends today is the "Unification Church" and it's founder Sun Myung Moon. If that name sounds familiar you are right... The Unification Church is also known as the Moonies. So why is the Unification Church / Moonies and its' founder Sun Myung Moon in the news you ask? Well, Sun Myung Moon just held a mass wedding / "blessing" where he either wed, blessed or confirmed 20,000 people. The massive Unification Church gathering was held

SUN MYUNG MOON - Founder of the Unification Church / Moonies

on the grounds of the Sun Moon University, which is about 100 km (60 miles) from Seoul Korea.

One of Sun Myung Moon's sons, Hyung Jin, has taken over the day-to-day running of the Unification Church / Moonies Cult which has an estimated 5 to 7 million followers around the world.

The almost mainstreaming of Sun Myung Moon and his Unification Church / Moonies really hits home with me. Back in the 80's my brother was hitchhiking through California (I guess it seemed like the adventurous thing to do) and he was taken captive by the Unification Church / Moonies. It wasn't like he was grabbed off the street hoodwinked and stuffed into a van. No, he was taken in as a guest with what seemed like very moral and hospitable reasons.

The true mission of the Unification Church / Moonies was quickly revealed as the friendly nature of his hosts soon turned to Brainwashing and cohersion attempts. Since the Unification Church / Moonies relied on converting those with a bad family life, my Brother was one step up. He wanted to come back home. This is not go over well with the Unification Church / Moonies who went as far as to tell my brother they knew his family did not want him back.

In attempt to convert my brother to be a follower of the Unification Church / Moonies they tried several cohersion techniques including putting him in a hot box in the desert. Luckily for everyone my Brother managed to escape the clutches of Sun Myung Moon and his Unification Church / Moonies. The scary thing is, this happened on US Soil and things like this continue to happen every day.

To this day, my Brother does not really like to talk about his experiences with the Moonies or their Politically correct name "The Unification Church". I encourage those who have family members who have been captured by the Unification Church / Moonies to speak up. I would like this to become a public forum on the dangers of religious cults of any kind.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Man Set on Fire in Vancouver

Vancouver police are investigating after a man was lit on fire while taking a rest in Vancouver on Saturday night while sleeping outside on a couch in the city's east side.

The burning of the man in Vancouver happened around 11:40 p.m. PT near Commercial Drive and E. Fifth Avenue, police said. Vancouver Police said it appears the 26-year-old man, from New Westminster, B.C., had been out drinking when he saw a couch on the sidewalk and decided to go to sleep. Witnesses in the area reported seeing three men standing over the sleeping man and spraying some type of fluid, believed to be lighter fluid or a similar accelerant, on the victim before lighting him on fire, Insp.

Eric Grummish said "The victim woke up from his sleep and ran off. He tore off the shirt he was wearing, which was burning, and ended up suffering some relatively minor burns." Several witnesses to the man lit on fire in Vancouver intervened and tried to help the victim while the perpetrators fled.

The slighly burned New Westminster man was taken to hospital, where he was treated for minor burns on the right side of his chest and right wrist. Vancouver Police said late Sunday they were still working to determine a motive for lighting a man on fire on Commercial Drive. Contrary to media reports, police said in a written statement "there is no information to suggest the motive for the assault had any hate bias related to it or that it was motivated by ethnicity, gender or any other factor."

People in the area say they were shocked and appalled by what happened. John Niddrie, who works at a cafe close to where the crime happened, spent much of the day Sunday putting up posters in the coffee shop and on the street, calling for witnesses to come forward. Niddrie said he was "disgusted" when he heard what happened. "We just wanted to show support to the community. This is a heinous thing that has happened and we are trying to support the police to figure out what's going on here and get to the bottom of this and make sure everyone is OK," he said. "It's not something that should be happening in our community, I think, not around here."

One of the culprits is described as a white man between 25 and 40, about six feet tall with a bald or shaved head. He was dressed in black and had tattoos on his arms. The other two suspects are described as white men wearing black clothing.

Police are asking anyone who might have witnessed the incident or who might have information to call the Vancouver Police Department at 604-717-2541 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477

Thursday, October 8, 2009

If ya Don't Understand it... Bomb the piss out of it!!!

Let me start off by saying I am not one of those conspiracy theorists who gets off on saying the US Government is on some bent to take over the world or the equally preposterous theory that they worship the Owl or something fucked up like that. But, nowhere is the US foreign policy of "If ya Don't Understand it... Bomb it" more prevalent than in tomorrows NASA LCLASS CENTAUR ROCKET MISSION to BOMB THE MOON. Yes, you read right, NASA is going to shoot a two tonne Kinetic Missile at the moon.

For the results of the NASA Moon bombing as well as images and video of the impact

So with all the hunger the growing jobless conditions in what is being called "The worse recession since the 1930's" what is the US Government, specifically NASA, doing BOMBING THE MOON? Is this part of Obama's Stimulus package where he spends exorbitant amounts of money on silly programs which really don't help put food in the mouths of the hungry or provide work for the unemployed who are unable to pay their morgtages?

God only knows, those poor NASA Scientists are so hurting for money. It was only last week I was down in Bellingham (Filling up on cheap gas) and I saw one of those street corner beggers with a sign which read
"Lost my job as a NASA Scientist due to Governement Cut-backs, will suck your Penis for cash."

So why is NASA BOMBING THE MOON, you may ask... Well, apparently they are looking for water. Although the Moon mostly a dry airless desert, NASA Scientists believe ice could be trapped in crater shadows near the south pole which never receive any sunlight. By BOMBING THE MOON, NASA hopes to release the water from its' icy hold. So I guess you could say this is an Ice Liberation mission. Thank God for NASA, otherwise the water on the moon would never feel the beauty of freedom.

Alternatively, by BOMBING THE MOON and creating a 5 Mile lake on the moon, NASA may very well be creating a vacation / getaway spot for all those Bank executives helped out with the Obama Financial Bailout of the banks. After all, Barbados is so passe

Sceptics, critics and conspiracy theorists alike are criticizing NASA's BOMBING OF THE MOON, calling it an act of Space Terrorism designed to secretly wipe out the alien population of the Moon. Some are going as far as saying NASA is declaring war on the moon. Apparently there is some sort of UN Space treaty NASA is violating by BOMBING THE MOON.

Whatever your feeling on NASA BOMBING THE MOON,
NASA's MOON BOMBING will go ahead as planned on October 9th 2009 when NASA will a rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida, carrying a missile that will blast a 5 mile wide hole in the lunar surface. The world will most likely be glued to their TV's or telescopes to WATCH THE BOMBING OF THE MOON and search engines will be busy searching for LIVE VIDEO OF THE NASA MOON BOMBING.

NASA's BOMBING OF THE MOON will happen on Friday, October 9, at 7.31am Eastern/4.31am Pacific (10.31pm AEDST)

NASA prepares the CENTAUR ROCKET that will BOMB THE MOON

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

You mean Hotmail is not safe???

Whatever happened to Internet Voyeurs hunting down pictures of naked famous chicks like Erin Andrews, Ashley Greene, Vanessa Hudgens, and, in the words of Bill The Cat "Ack Thtbbft" Miley Ray Cyrus. Shit, it seams the search for leaked hotmail masswords has even taken over for pictures of Demi Moore's Bush. It seems some no life geek hacker out there decided to take it upon himself (or herself - Which might be the reason for a lack of interest in naked chicks) to post a COMPLETE LIST OF 10,000 @HOTMAIL.COM @LIVE.COM and @ MSN.COM PASSWORDS on

Of course, news of this list of leaked @HOTMAIL.COM @LIVE.COM and @ MSN.COM PASSWORDS has caused a flurry of activity around the search terms hotmail passwords leaked hotmail passwords, hotmail passwords list, hotmail passwords 2009, pastebin, hotmail leak... Just in case you were not already frustrated by the search for the list of leaked hotmail passwords from

I guess my question is, why the hell would anyone want a list of Hotmail passwords. Typically speaking, anyone using Hotmail as their primary Email would probably not have all that much money to be an effective target for extortion. Maybe it is just the bragging rights to say you posted a list of hacked Hotmail passwords online. Kinda a sad accomplishment if that is all that is engraved on your tombstone. Especially considering there have always been detailed instructions on how to hack Hotmail passwords posted on various sites all over the internet.

Whatever the case, users of Hotmail, Live and MSN Email are being warned to change their passwords, if they have not already been compromised. If you have important Emails, you should always back them up. I found this out the hard way when a Yahoo Email I had been using for over 10 years was taken away due to my SEO activities. Apparently someone took offence and reported me.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPICS - "Begging for Employee's"

The local paper ran a front page story today on how VANOC is struggling to find bodies to fill the over 10,000 VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC GAMES JOB OPENINGS. Perhaps the reason VANOC is having trouble finding people to fill the VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC GAMES JOB OPENINGS is because they are doing a crap job of posting the openings. Yes, there are some radio commercials talking about VOLUNTEER POSITIONS at the VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC GAMES but this is asking for free labour and in an economy like the current one, that is alot to ask for when talking about unpaid VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC GAMES JOB OPENINGS.

The fact of the matter is, it will take a substantial workforce to make the VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC GAMES a reality and a workforce takes money, which is a thing VANOC is running low on. Grandiose plans, corporate bailouts (Millennium Project), and lack of planning are rapidly making the promise of a Cash cow look more like a dried out old donkey.

Looking at the list of VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC GAMES JOB OPENINGS online, it seems VANOC has a long way to go in defining the critical VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC GAMES JOB OPENINGS, let alone filling them and training potential VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC GAMES Employee's. So does it surprise me the Province had the VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC GAMES JOB OPENINGS as a front page story? Not really.

To add to this fiasco, I was just talking to a customer who has a sister that works for the PNE. Apparently, the PNE has signed on to have all their staff filling VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC GAMES JOB OPENINGS under the employee loaning program. This is an arrangement which happened awhile back and covers quite a number of positions. This is something which should make filling VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC GAMES JOB OPENINGS easier. The thing is, as of October 3, 2009, the on loan employee's of the PNE still do not have any idea of what they will be doing during the Olympics. They have not been trained, they have not had their required security clearances and they do not even know what jobs they will be filling or whether they will be working part-time or full-time.

I know I am starting to sound like a big downer on the VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC GAMES but I was not always like this. To be quite honest, I was a staunch supporter of the VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC GAMES, I saw the whole VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC GAMES coming to Vancouver as a positive thing. I was excited about the frenzy and looking forward to the boom it would be bringing.

As for the boom, well all the contracts seemed to go to friends of VANOC as the whole contract posting procedure was a farce. As for frenzy, it seems to only frenzy will be caused by the chaos of disorganization. VANOC promised a boom for local businesses, how can this be when businesses located in the red zones do not even know if they will be allowed to show up for work before, during and shortly after the VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC GAMES. So what, is everyone who owns a business in the "Red Zone" supposed to shut down for a month and just eat the loss in revenue? Where is this "Boom" you promised us Mr. Furlong?

So again, am I surprised by this "new" report of potential VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC GAMES disorganization?? NOPE!!!

For those who came here looking for a LISTING OF VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC GAMES JOB OPENINGS / VACANCIES, here ya go, a list of te 60 some odd jobs currently listed as VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC GAMES JOB OPENINGS as well as their location and posting dates on the VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC JOB BOARD. More VANCOUVER 2010 JOB OPENINGS can be found on the VANCOUVER 2010 OLYMPIC GAMES JOB SITE or through Workopolis.

Coordinator, Parking Operations Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Oct 02, 2009
Webmaster Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Oct 02, 2009
Venue Logisitics Manager Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Oct 01, 2009
Item Number Clerk Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 30, 2009
Supervisor, Call Centre Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 30, 2009
Production Coordinator, Alpine Skiing (Whistler Creekside) - Sport Production Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 29, 2009
Production Coordinator, Bobsleigh, Skeleton & Luge (The Whistler Sliding Centre) - Sport Production Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 29, 2009
Production Coordinator, Cross Country Skiing & Biathlon (Whistler Olympic Park) - Sport Production Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 29, 2009
Production Coordinator, Curling and Wheelchair Curling (Vancouver Olympic/Paralympic Center) Sport P Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 29, 2009
Production Coordinator, Freestyle Skiing & Snowboard (Cypress Mountain) - Sp Sep 29, 2009
Production Coordinator, Ice Hockey & Sledge Hockey (UBC Thunderbird Arena) - Sport Production Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 29, 2009
Production Coordinator, Long Track Speed Skating (Richmond Olympic Oval) - Sport Production Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 29, 2009
Production Coordinator, Ski Jumping (Whistler Olympic Park) - Sport Production Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 29, 2009
Associate Venue Producer ,Cross Country (Whistler Olympic Park)-Sport Production Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
Associate Venue Producer, Alpine (Whistler Creekside Park)-Sport Production Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
Associate Venue Producer, Biathlon (Whistler Olympic Park)-Sport Production Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
Associate Venue Producer, Ski Jumping (Whistler Olympic Park) -Sport Production Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
English Announcer, Parallel Giant Slalom (Cypress Mountain)-Sport Production Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
Field Producer, Cross Country and Biathlon (Whistler Olympic Park)-Sport Production Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
Field Producer, Ice Hockey and Ice Sledge Hockey (UBC Thunderbird Arena)-Sport Production Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
Field Producer, Long Track Speed Skating (Richmond Olympic Oval)-Sport Production Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
Field Producer, Ski Jumping (Whistler Olympic Park)-Sport Production Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
French Announcer, Cross Country, (Whistler Olympic Park) -Sport Production Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
French Announcer, Snowboard (Cypress Mountain)- Sport Production Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
Music Director/DJ, Cross Country & Biathlon (Whistler Olympic Park) -Sport Production Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
On- Camera Videoboard Talent, Alpine Skiing (Whistler Creekside)-Sport Production Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
On- Camera Videoboard Talent, Richmond Olympic Oval-Sport Production Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
Stage Manager, Alpine Skiing (Whistler Creekside)-Sport Production Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
Stage Manager, Bobsleigh, Luge & Skeleton, Whistler Sliding Center, Sport Production Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
Stage Manager, Cross Country & Biathlon (Whistler Olympic Park) -Sport Production Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
Stage Manager, Freestyle Skiing & Snowboard (Cypress Mountain)-Sport Product Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
Stage Manager, Ice Hockey and Ice Sledge Hockey (UBC Thunderbird Arena)-Sport Production Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
Stage Manager, Long Track Speed Skating (Richmond Olympic Oval)-Sport Production Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
Stage Manager, Ski Jumping (Whistler Olympic Park)-Sport Production Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 27, 2009
Assistant Venue Logistics Manager Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 25, 2009
Coordinator, Broadcast Integration (Mountain Competition Venue Support) Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 24, 2009
Coordinator, Food and Beverage - Mountain Transportation and Accommodation Venues Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 24, 2009
Coordinator, Food and Beverage/ Snow Management, Cleaning and Waste - Mountain Venues Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 24, 2009
Manager, Broadcast Integration (WMC, WCP, Mountain Competition Venue Support) Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 24, 2009
Makeup and Hair Supervisor - DAEP Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 23, 2009
Representative, Village Guest Pass Services Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 23, 2009
Coordinator, OPTT Program Integration Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 22, 2009
Talent Coordinator - DAEP Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 17, 2009
Representative, Olympic and Paralympic Welcome Centre - Vancouver Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 16, 2009
Maintenance Supervisor Fleet Systems Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 14, 2009
Assistant Manager, Fleet Systems Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 11, 2009
Assistant Venue Transportation Manager Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Sep 11, 2009
Coordinator, Snow Removal, Cleaning and Waste - Vancouver Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Aug 19, 2009
Coordinator, Snow Removal, Cleaning and Waste - Whistler Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Aug 19, 2009
Manager Snow Removal, Cleaning and Waste - Mountains Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Aug 19, 2009
Manager Snow Removal, Cleaning and Waste - City Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Aug 19, 2009
Supervisor, Remote Vehicle Screening Site (RVSS) - Whistler Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Aug 14, 2009
Co-op, Translation (Regular or Extended Terms) Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Jul 21, 2009
Coordinator, Remote Vehicle Screening Site - Whistler Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Jun 24, 2009
Overlay Site Coordinator Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Jun 18, 2009
Sled Truck Driver Position Whistler, British Columbia, CANADA Jun 18, 2009
Technician, Desktop Support Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Jun 02, 2009
Assistant Venue Technology Manager Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Apr 27, 2009
Revision Specialist Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA Apr 03, 2009
Technology Implementation, Assistant Manager