Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Help Pick a new "Logo" for Surrey - Now this is just too fun to pass up

Now who comes up with this shit? I was flipping through the local paper trying to find something interesting. Among the typical crap like a front page story on the Mayor, some dog who had babies and a tiny article on Piggy Pickton I find this little tidbit on how Surrey is looking for a new Logo. Yes apparently the condom and handgun has lost its' market appeal. hmmm maybe a syringe in the arm of a turban wearing dagger wielding.... um what is the politically correct term for people from India anyways???? Oh ya Indo Canadian. Of course we can't forget to include road racing and gang bangers in the mix.

Considering a new wing of the Surrey General Hospital was recently named after some Sikh figure head of some sort and the 2010 Mascots look more like something from Asian saturday morning TV, It doesn't seem so far fetched. Of course we would have to make it more acceptable to the children, maybe add a Pokemon Tattoo on his arm. Oh hold on that would be Richmond.

Well if they run low on quality idea's I'm sure they could talk to those brilliant heads on VANOC to come up with some local appeal.... I'm glad I live in Delta, for christ sakes they are talking about making and selling T-shirts.

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