Since reading this article on Bill Maher and his hate mongering of the Pope I’ve been doing some thinking.
First of all, I should make clear; I really don’t give a shit about the Catholic Church or anything it stands for. Ya ok there is the kindness to mankind thing but when you look at the History of the Catholic Church and religion as a whole, there is definitely a lacking for kindness to mankind.
My problems lie in the whole Anti Germanic statements of Bill Maher. I must preface this by also stating I am by no means Anti Jewish, I believe all people regardless of religious belief should be treated fairly. That being said….
Bill Maher is obviously Jewish. I am getting sick and fucking tired of People, regardless of their religion, backstabbing nationalities or religions as insuperior. As a kid growing up, I remember hating History class for the times it brought up the War and the whole Nazi thing. Every time it came up, there would inevitably be this mindless twit in the back of the class piping in their 2 cents worth of commentary on my nationality… Yes,
I am German and I am fucking proud of it. I have no relation to Hitler (He was Austrian.)
I have heard enough stories of the war and what the common German Person went through during the Hitler era. The Popes comments on being required to attend the “Hitler Youth” and being drafted really brought it home for me. My father, uncles etc, were also required to attend the Hitler Youth. One of My uncles was drafted against his will and this resulted in shrapnel in his brain which inevitably caused his death. My Father, at the age of 13, had to lie and say he was 12 just to avoid being drafted to fight in the war. Yes, that was 13.
There are stories of Soldiers holding a gun to the head of children, German Villages filled with ONLY WOMEN AND CHILDREN being destroyed by Allied bombings. Yes, the things Hitler did were awful. No humans should be treated this way, fact of the matter is, plenty of races had and have bad things happen to them every day, but yet they are forgotten about.... Not the Holocaust though, almost every day there is news of bigots being arrested for hate speach and yet again we are reminded we must watch our words when mentioning a certain religion (Not applicable to Bill Maher though.) FOR FUCKS SAKES, not all Germans were in league with Hitler, saying so is nothing but HATE MONGERING.
Now let’s move on to Modern day. The Israeli government is stockpiling Nuclear Weapons; they are taking away the human rights and dignities of the Palestinian people. Despite international orders, the Israeli government refuses to recognize the Palestinian people and their right to a homeland.
A little History on this one. From what I understand. After the war, there were a whole wack of Jewish people without a home (After all, they were nomadic.) No country wanted them as (From what I read) these countries were already overrun and were afraid they would take over their government. So, they were given British Palestine. What does this mean? Well, the Palestinian people who lived there were kicked out. Yes, forcibly removed from their home and told their country was no w Israel.
In addition, it is common knowledge that the Jewish religion (Like several others) feel those who do not follow their way are philistines. They are not the “Chosen ones” they are in superior etc etc. This sounds a whole hell of a lot like the Shit Hitler was pandering regarding the whole Arian race bullshit. Come on people, we are all humans and all equal. Get over your fucking selves and the world will be a better place.
Of course, not all Jewish people feel this way, saying so would be wrong. It is just sad that prejudice is still ruling the world, especially in the mind of one Bill Maher.