Thursday, July 10, 2008

Walmart - AKA The Ministry of Truth - Yet another "Book Burning"

I just ran across this story where Walmart has pulled a COMIC BOOK because a few blow hards feel it is racially charged and politically incorrect. The comic, Memín Pinguín, is hugely popular in Mexico and has been around since the 40's. Although acceptable for the Mexicans, a few whiners in the US feel they are too good for this childhood tale.

Is it just me or is this whole politically correct bullshit going a little to fucking far? I'm not all that surprised that the Walmart Ministry of Truth pulled such a stunt. After all, they are the same group that forced the Goo Goo dolls to change their album cover for "A boy named goo" because it had a picture of a child with jam in his fingers (Apparently this portrays violence.) In another Instance, they forced Nirvana to change the lyrics of one of their songs on the walmart version of their CD.

With all this banning of anything appearing violent and wrong, Walmart looked even more hypocritical when Sheryl Crow came under fire for criticizing Walmart's sale of guns. I am all for a store being able to choose what they sell in their locations, however forcing artists to change their material based on their personal and religious beliefs is far too Orwellian for a company claiming to be "American".

Just a thought here, maybe Memin is a Talking Monkey.... Why stop here, let's ban the talking Duck

For more on this story

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